Well let me see, what can I tell you about Bill... He is 29 years old. Bill was born and raised in Portland, Maine. He is the baby in his family. You could say Bill is alot like his father, but they will tell you differently. They look alike, act alike, & talk alike...lol :o)
Bill has a 1967 Ford Mustang that he is rebuilding, He loves to work in the garage (barn..it's an old house). Bill can make art work out of a coat-hanger it is amazing, give him one and he will create something for you. He has made the bathroom clutter free...lol Bill also loves to do alot of yard work, this year we have started a flower garden, actually he did the work, I just approved it.. :o) He is doing a great job making our house beautiful.
Bill is a great dad, I never thought he would be the fatherly type, but he amazed me. :o) We have 4 children altogether, and he is the best "DAD" any child could ask for. We had our first child together in 94, he was wonderful, he was with me the whole time. After the doctor told us what we had, I do believe i saw a tear.. :o( I know to some of you this may sound crazy, but if I could handle it financially, mentally, as well as physically, I would have 12 children with this man. I love you Bill!!
Some Of His Favorites:
Music: Rock, Heavy Metal
Food: Chinese, Seafood
Drink: Pepsi
Author: Stephen King
TV Show/Channel:Simpsons, Freaky Links, Fox
Movie Actress: Drew Barrymore, Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock
Song: To many to name
Holiday: Christmas
Car: Ford Mustang
Hobby: Working in yard
Pastime: Playing with our kids, playing the playstation
Website: Yahoo