~Baha Men~Who Let The Dogs Out~


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Hello there and Welcome to Shena's Page.
There's not to much to tell about Shena because we have only had her a few months. What I do know I will tell you, so here goes.
Shena Is about 9 months old, part Pitbull but she looks full blooded. I know I know.. I say Pitbull you freak out right, well I did. Shena is the most loveable dog you could imagine, she loves kids and she loves to chew...grr. Shena loves the kids toys, my couch and even my carpeting.
She is very playful, never once has she tried to bite my kids. Shena mostly belongs to my husband, but we all take care of her. When Shena was offered to us, I was kinda against it but I knew that everyone else wanted her...so we got her.
Well that about sums it up, come back often to learn what Shena is up too....

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Page created June 26,2001 by Heidi