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Hi! My name is William! But please call me Billy:) Welcome to my very own page. My Mommy created it for me. (She loves playing around with this stuff!) I'm 6 years old. I am in kindergarten and am learning many new things. I love playing with my gameboy, cars and legos. My favorite t.v. shows are Blue's Clues, Rugrats, Sponge Bob, & Rocket Power.
I also enjoy coloring & going to school.

I love to hang out with my big brother & little sister. They are so much fun. Zack and I wrestle alot and sometimes we hurt eachother, which hurts:( Mom always says "Boys be careful" or "Boys stop it" of course we dont listen. Zack is my best bud, I dont know where I would be without him. He has taught me so much. Like climbing on the kitchen counter to get into the treats:) Or how to be big and brave at night when it is dark. He is a great big brother:) Zack also loves to help me with my homework when it is to hard for me.

I also love my baby sister, she is great to have around after Zack goes to school. We play games, color, and get into trouble:) She is so cute though, and I always take the fall for things she does. But I know that she is still learning and that soon enough I will have revenge:P Brooke is great, but sometimes she is annoying, and I just want to be alone and hang out with my brother or by myself. I pick on her alot, but isn't that what little sisters are for:P

Well that's all I have for now, I am going to bed
before the lights get shut out:(

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Page created April,2001 by Heidi
~Updated 4-30-2001~