My Dearest Bill,
To the man of my dreams, you will never know how much I love you.
You have accomplished so much, I am SO PROUD of you,
you have brought so much joy into my life, how could I
ask you for more.
No man will ever know me the way you do, you make me feel more
like a women then I ever expected in life, I love it when you hold me close, I love it when you
whisper sweet thoughts to me, I love it that we are made for eachother, but
most of all I Love Being with you.
I never thought it would last this long, but I guess I surprised the both of us. You have made our life together a very special one, together with our 4 children, we have made a wonderful family. A family I am proud to have. I dont think I would ever feel complete without you. Every day of my life when I'm not near you I think of you, what your doing, who your talking to, your warm hands, and tender touch, that make me feel so special. I hope you always know I love you and no one could ever take your place. Dont ever forget how much I Love You!!!
Love Always